Writers’ Workshop 2019 offers several grade-appropriate courses tailored to the needs of students as they progress through elementary school and middle school. All courses share the following characteristics.
What will Writers’ Workshop give your child?
- Time to write, in an environment that encourages written expression
- Ownership of his/her “product”; children are encouraged to write about things they know and care about
- Response, with frequent individual student-teacher conferences
- The foundation for good writing
- A lasting framework for writing
- Publication of his/her work. Students in Class PN-K1 will take home their completed work on the last day of the course; all others will have their work published in an anthology to be mailed in March 2020.
All students will learn the stages of the writing process.
- Choosing a topic
- Drafting and illustrating
- Responding and revising
- Proofreading and editing
- Publishing
Each Writers’ Workshop session consists of these elements:
- Mini-lesson about good writing
- Writing block time
- Individual student-teacher conference
- Sharing time